Heartbreaking Cruelty
Warning. This is a graphic and unthinkable depiction of an actual event, some specifics that would identify the perpetrator have been altered.
John D. has been suspected of beating his six year old child to death. That is enough to make you sick but the story doesn’t end there and unfortunately gets much worse.
Apparently, once John D. realized he had beaten his son so badly that he was dead, he started to panic, and tried to cover up his actions. In his moment of insanity, he chopped the body up, leaving a horrific bloody scene behind. The story doesn’t end there. The body was not to be found so police suspect he fed the body to his large dog he kept in a fenced in area outside. The end of the story? John D. then killed the dog.
Violent crimes, domestic abuse, murder are all horrific. Imagine the horror of the family members and siblings. How will they ever be able to think normally after dealing with something so horrific that to even talk about it is upsetting. Imagine having to explain or answer questions from other people, kids at school, people you work with. Can you even imagine?
Sure, they will need therapy to help them deal with it but what therapist would even begin to be able to explain why this happened. Advanced Bio Treatment professionals are trained to deal with all types of situations in crime scene cleanup.
Even The Most Empathetic Have Difficulty Dealing With Such Horror
We are professional cleanup technicians but we have limitations also. Sometimes, like this one, we see heartbreaking cruelty beyond what we could even imagine.
Biohazard materials take the form of organic matter and blood, airborne pathogens, and caustic chemicals which pose a health hazard. In the aftermath of any trauma, whether it is an accident or violent crime or the discovery of an unattended death, there exist bio hazards which require the attention of the trained professionals of a bio hazard cleanup service.
Trauma and accident scenes know no boundaries. Blood cleanup and bio-hazard removal can result from an industrial accident or a workplace shooting. Blood-borne bio-hazards cause illness and death in humans by entering the body through the eyes, throat, anus, and sexual orifices. A small number of microorganisms, viruses and bacteria entering the body’s blood stream soon begin to populate.
To ensure proper decontamination of the scene, an experienced scene clean up service should be employed. Human feces, urine, and blood cleanup pose a significant risk to human health. Advanced Bio Treatment is well trained in EPA and OSHA regulations for biohazard cleaning.
If you need blood cleanup guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our blood cleanup services immediately, give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684.
ABT Offers Up To $500 For Referrals!