
Accidental Trauma Scene Cleanup Services 24/7

Our professional clean up teams eliminate biohazards and restore kitchens, bathrooms, apartments, even entire homes to their original condition, in the aftermath of everything from suicides, to tenants that hoard dead cats. No, seriously. When compulsive hoarding involves animal feces, human feces, waste removal, and decomposition, it is to estimate how many biohazards could be involved at the scene. You need experts like Advanced Bio Treatment, who are certified by multiple agencies, to provide professional sanitization to prevent any potentially dangerous material from infecting or harming future or current residents.

Even if a home destroyed by a hoarder doesn’t necessarily look like it is a candidate for cleanup, its better to be safe than sorry.

Sometimes hoards involve more than just the acquisition of belongings but also the careless stewardship of the home where they live. When a tenant who is a hoarder doesn’t report a leaky pipe, it can cause extensive damage to the structure and substructure of the home, sometimes hidden to the naked eye behind soggy dry wall hidden behind piles of random objects, or even worse, trash.

One such case we took on came into our Philadelphia office, and had us traveling to nearby New Jersey to a home in an older neighborhood in the suburbs outside of Trenton.

From the outside it was not apparent what we were dealing with but once inside it appeared we were going to be cleaning up after a Frat house.

Bottles, plastic cups, and other refuse littered the floor, making transversing through the home difficult and a unbelievably foul odor, indicative of something dead, made our throats close. We geared up in decon suits, from the tips of our boots, to the end of our wrists and zipped up over the head, we were covered in a protective layer of impenetrable fabric. We taped any opening closed against our skin, and then completed the outfit with a light face mask. For jobs where there has been a death that has gone unnoticed for a while, and the smell is strong enough to gag a maggot, we use full respirators that help us breath.

Death Cleanup Services

We got started first by opening every window in the home, one by one, until a fresh summer breeze was blowing through the rooms and hallways of the house.

Then, there’s no other way to do it, but grab a big black garbage bag, rubbermaid trashcan, and a shovel or a rake or both, and methodically make your way through the home, scooping and dumping, scooping and dumping, until a pathway is formed and then working out from there until the entire room, and eventually the entire home, is cleared of all big items. In this case, we filled up two commercial sized dumpsters with the trash we pulled out of this home, mostly alcohol boxes and cans.

It was in one of the back bathrooms that we discovered the source of the intense smell. It appeared that a litter of puppies had been born in a hole in the wall that lead to a den of sorts under the old fiberglass bathtub. Due to illness or lack of food, perhaps both, the puppies had perished and their little bodies had began to decompose. Unfortunately, that meant that this job became a lot more difficult.

We had to remove the drywall in the entire bathroom, and throw away the old tub. The animals had soiled the flooring, and we had to pull back the linoleum to get to the sub flooring below, which had been saturated with urine and feces, and now the bodily fluids of about 5 puppies and their mother, who was roughly the size of a beagle.

We stripped the room down to the bare bones, until there was little remaining of the original home except for some plumbing, though most was replaced at the time as well, and the structural supports and electrical equipment.

Biohazard Waste Removal

Then we had to thoroughly clean and sanitize the sub flooring and foundation to remove all traces of biohazardous material. We use steam as well as chemicals to provide our clients with the best possible outcome.

Then, the bathroom was rebuilt including the walls, ceiling, flooring and tub.

As for the rest of the home, once the cause of the odor was gone, and all the trash was taken away, we were able to move along very quickly, scrubbing and cleaning, repairing and replacing, until the home looked shiny and new. With fresh paint, fresh flooring and a day running the Ozone Machine, the home was completely restored to its former glory.

Just in time for the busy summer season.

You don’t want to try and attempt to clean up a crime scene or accident scene. Blood and other bodily fluids can contain dangerous pathogens which pose a significant risk to human health. Our scene clean up technicians will decontaminate and remove any blood, tissue or bodily fluids a crime and trauma scene has left behind. Advanced Bio Treatment is a professional scene cleaning company.

Regardless of whether the scene is at your home and personal property, a commercial business, or industrial site, we’ll strictly adhere to OSHA regulations and API Worksafe guidelines in our cleanup efforts. We only deploy EPA registered hospital grade cleansers and disinfectants.

If you need trauma or accidental death clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options or current insurance policy covers don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-295-1684.

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Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment