
Let ABT Be Your First Call in D.C.

At Advanced Bio-Treatment we always suggest that after the call to 911, after the police and coroner have left, that the family or loved ones of the deceased place their next call to us.

We have the expertise and equipment to completely restore and decontaminate any scene where a bio-hazard incident had occurred. Attempting to clean the aftermath of an accident, murder or unattended death can be extremely dangerous to one’s health, not to mention traumatic to behold.

Often when a family tries to do the cleaning themselves they find that they are overwhelmed by all that must be done to make a home or business inhabitable again. Especially in the case of a death that has gone unnoticed and decomposition has set in. The smell is only one of the factors that can surprise the uninitiated… with one recent call ABT received, it was the insects that drove the family members to call.

The caller explained that their family member had been a relatively young woman in her mid thirties who lived alone in a home just outside Mount Vernon Square in D.C. Apparently, the woman kept to herself and had no job. It was only after nearly three weeks of no contact, that someone was sent to her house. They found her lying dead in the laundry room. Dead at 36 from a massive brain aneurysm. The body of the female was in full decomposition, and after the body was removed, the family had joined together to clean the home for resale. Only they got in over their heads. That’s when we were called.

They Made A Good Choice Calling ABT

It’s never advisable to attempt to clean up on your own after an accident or murder has occurred. In cases with drug overdose, there are dangers with the paraphernalia to consider. In cases like this one, the advanced state of decomp poses serious health risks that require proper decontamination before resale or rehabitation can take place. ABT is EPA and OSHA certified and will restore not only your property but also your life.

There were so many insects in that small space that even I was almost overwhelmed. Before we could begin the remediation, we set off bug bombs to kill the flies and their larva. That left literally thousands and thousands of fly carcasses which required removal before we could proceed. But we finally succeeded in our goal… We removed any trace or smell of death.

The flies made their way into one giant body bag called the trash.

If you need scene clean-up and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment