
ABT Cleans More Then Just Crime Scenes in Homes

In terms of accident cleanup or trauma site remediation, the involvement of a professional cleaning service is crucial. Whether it is a traffic accident, an accidental death, or an industrial accident, the situation will normally involve biohazards that require expert attention. Additionally, the accident scene needs to be cleaned and restored to its original condition as quickly as possible to ease the minds of everyone involved.

Though often we are called out to homes or industrial properties, we also handle crime or accident scene remediation that takes place in automobiles. Some of the hardest jobs, in terms of minute detail cleanup, involves restoring a vehicle to like-new condition after something terrible had happened.

One case we had recently came into our Washington D.C. office from an insurance adjuster looking for bio-hazard waste specialists to clean a car for preparation for resale. Getting to the address where the car was parked want hard… It was still located in a local police departments outdoor crime lab parking lot.

On the night of his death, he had been out at a local night club when he had come across a woman crying in an alleyway on his way to his car. John wasn’t the type who could just walk past someone in need. After starting up a conversation, the woman asked John for a ride home. It was a fatal error, one he wouldn’t live to regret. The woman was setting our victim up.

Once at the car, John apparently opened the door for the woman like a gentleman before climbing in being the wheel. Distracted for a moment by something the woman pretended to drop, John didn’t see the large man who was let into the vehicle by the female until it was too late. Whether it was a car jacking or robbery gone wrong, the last thing John knew was that he had been shot in the chest through the back of the seat. His attackers took off, leaving John for dead.

As blood poured out of his wound, bloody froth caused by a punctured lung, spewed and splattered from his mouth onto the seat and carpet. There, alone and probably scared, John Doe breathed his last breath. Death robs us of so much youthful potential, it never gets easier to see or hear.

Hire Trained Professionals Like Those at ABT

No family member should have to go through the trauma of losing a loved one, and then be subjected to the trauma of trying to clean the area on their own. Blood, urine, feces and other bodily fluids can contain dangerous pathogens which pose significant risk to your health. Not only do we have the proper equipment and training, but we are also EPA and OSHA certified. We will work with insurance to ensure the proper procedures are taken to restore not only your property, but your life.

As I erased any trace of the tragedy that ended this young man’s life, I couldn’t help but wonder who he would’ve become or how far he would’ve risen in D.C. could he have made the world a better place? We’ll never know, so absolute is death. After the job was complete and I handed the keys to the adjuster, I looked back at the car one last time knowing that the next owner wound never know the horror that had happened inside. But that’s my job, to put back the pieces so life can move on. But still… such a senseless waste…

If you need scene clean-up and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment