Surprising Statistics in the Workplace
The Health and Safety Administration reports that 48 people lost their lives in workplace accidents last year alone.
What about your workplace? What can be done to lower the rate of on the job accidents and fatalities?
It doesn’t matter how large your business is, you can take steps to reduce the risk of workplace accidents.
Statistics indicate that construction and agriculture are two industries that have a high percentage of workplace accidents.
In agriculture, machinery may not be properly maintained and that can lead to accidents.
Accidents at construction sites are related to carelessness, poor housekeeping if you will. Equipment not being put away, left out where others may trip and fall contribute to high percentages of accidents.
Offices are for the most part safe but even something like loose carpet can cause slip and falls. Icy parking lots in the winter that are not salted and cleaned off can cause serious injuries to workers.
A huge area of concern is waste, primarily hazardous waste disposal.
Businesses may want to save money and cut corners by improperly disposing of hazardous waste or biohazardous materials.
These situations should be handled only by professionals who are trained in hazardous waste disposal and cleanup. Advanced Bio-Treatment professionals are trained in proper handling and disposal of hazardous waste and follow the guidelines set by the EPA and OSHA.
These matters cause serious problems and often injuries which could be prevented. The HSA can shut down employers who are not following proper procedures by obtaining a court order which will shut the employer down until the problem(s) are corrected.
The reality is there is no need for this to occur in the first place. By following guidelines and procedures properly and calling in professionals such as ABT to handle hazardous waste disposal and removal the situation can be avoided entirely.
Simple rules like wearing proper safety hats and gear can prevent deadly injuries.
Prompt removal and cleanup of dangerous biological agents can prevent the spread of illness and disease. Employers must adhere to Safety, Health and Welfare Regulations at Work, which require that dangerous contagions be dealt with promptly as they can multiply and spread rapidly which can endanger employees.
If you need scene cleanup and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-706-1420.