
Biohazard Waste Pick Up:

What Happens to That Blood-Soaked Mattress Removed from a Crime Scene?

After biohazard waste pick up job is completed, have you ever wondered where the contaminated objects end up? Traditionally, biohazardous waste is burned by large facilities that operate incinerators with modern pollution control equipment on smokestacks to minimize the impact of dangerous toxins escaping into the environment, and the leftover ash is then sent to landfills. Incinerating biohazardous waste effectively kills the pathogens, but it has its risks. Even though the incineration process done by trained professionals at medical facilities neutralizes potentially lethal agents, some toxins still find their ways into our water and air.

Today, much biohazardous waste is chemically decontaminated, irradiated, or autoclaved, which is sterilization with steam. Then, after decontamination, the biohazardous waste is taken to landfills. Today, there are over a hundred different technologies used in place of incineration to decontaminate biohazardous waste and make it safe to dispose of in landfills.

Choose a Reputable Biohazard Pick Up Company

Whatever method is used, you have to make sure that biohazard waste pick up is performed by a reputable company that specializes in biohazard waste disposal services like Advanced Bio Treatment, and that the company is licensed to transport the waste to a facility that is equally reputable and professional in decontaminating it, if decontamination is not performed on site, and then disposing of it.

When Advanced Bio-Treatment is called to clean up a crime, accident, death, or hoarding site, our technicians can’t always decontaminate everything affected. Sometimes upholstered furniture, mattresses, drapes, clothing, and even flooring material are saturated with bodily fluids or feces, which potentially contain dangerous pathogens, and they cannot be safely neutralized. The items have to be destroyed, but they can’t be thrown away with non-contaminated waste that goes directly to landfills.

First, the contaminated item must be professionally packaged to prevent cross-contamination when they leave the scene.

Next, a biohazard waste pick up service must transport the contaminated item from the premises to a facility that specializes in decontaminating biohazards using incineration, chemical, irradiation, or autoclaving technology.

Last, a biohazard waste pick up service must again transport the decontaminated biohazard to a landfill.

Biohazard Waste Disposal

Biohazardous waste, primarily human blood and other bodily fluids, can contain deadly pathogens like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV, which are potentially lethal if they come in direct contact with another person’s eyes, nose, mouth, or open wound or sore on the skin. ABT technicians not only professionally package biohazardous waste, using special, leak-proof biohazard bags and containers to prevent cross-contamination. We are also licensed to transport biohazardous waste from the scene to a reputable facility, with whom we have a relationship, which will decontaminate the waste and arrange for licensed biohazard waste pick up after decontamination for transport to a landfill with whom we also have a relationship. These professional relationships are important because landfills often will not accept decontaminated biohazardous waste unless they know and trust the company delivering it.

State Biohazard Waste Disposal Guidelines

Every state has its own set of biohazard waste disposal guidelines, but most all guidelines follow OSHA and EPA regulations. At the end of this article, we provideyou the links to the OSHA and EPA biohazard waste guidelines and the biohazard waste guidelines for every state.

EPA State Biohazard Waste Guidelines:


OSHA Biohazard Waste Guidelines:


ABT is YOUR Professional Biohazard Pick Up Team

Advanced Bio Treatment is one of the oldest, most reliable, and most experienced biohazard waste pick up and biohazard waste disposal companies in the country. We offer professional biohazard waste cleanup, removal, and biohazard waste disposal services that strictly adhere to OSHA, EPA, and state biohazard waste guidelines. Our team of experienced, highly trained experts is well versed in all biohazard waste guidelines set by these government agencies and by the states in which we operate.

We are here for you 24 hours every day of the year, and we take emergency calls and work with your insurance company. Should you need our services, please call us at 800-295-1684.


Posted in Blog
Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment