Black Friday Biohazard Blood Cleanup
Blood Cleanup: If Thanksgiving isn’t quite enough excitement, there’s always Black Friday! Some people go out and just enjoy the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, but then there are the serious shoppers who have researched the official Black Friday deals and even the more determined shoppers that head out after dinner for those Thanksgiving shopping deals. Apparently, though, there are those on the fringes, extreme shoppers that are off the spectrum and will fight for what they came to buy.
Nancy was absolutely determined to be first in line at her local big box electronics store. There were an unspecified limited number of LED 60 inch flat-screen televisions that were to be sold and Nancy had already mentally mounted one in her living room. She moved Thanksgiving dinner to Wednesday evening and would leave home to camp out outside the store Wednesday evening for the store opening on Thanksgiving at midnight.
When she arrived to wait in line, there were people already with their folding chairs set up, and one man had a cooler beside him as he watched a movie on his phone. Nancy was fifth in line and ready to defend her spot for the next 27 hours. It was grueling, but she did it. She fell asleep in her reclining chair and was awoken twice by her husband checking in on her and about a dozen other times by various noises throughout the night including a rumbling motorcycle, a couple of skateboarders, and a security guard who dropped his keys on the sidewalk.
The early part of the day went by fairly quickly as Nancy enjoyed people-watching, but she began to question her enthusiasm about the television as the number of people darting in and out of the grocery store across the street for last minute ingredients began to dwindle down and the store closed at 2:00, leaving her with 10 long hours of waiting. She missed her family and wondered what they were all doing together without her.
The line grew and by 11:30 it was further down the sidewalk than Nancy could see standing on her chair. The doors opened right at midnight and Nancy took off for the back right corner of the store. She stood beside the televisions stacked side by side with her hand clearly over the box she was claiming. Associates were helping people one by one and the boxes disappeared quickly. An associate finally helped Nancy and carted off her television, but that’s when things got mixed up. Nancy watched as the associate turned to point a group of customers in another direction when the cart was pulled away by another person. And what appeared to be a customer was heading straight for the register. Nancy flew into a panic and chased the cart and person screaming:
Stop! That’s my television! Stop that cart!
Biohazard Blood Cleanup
In her fury, Nancy plowed right into a woman with a small child in a buggy. After angry words were exchanged and Nancy turned to continue after her beloved black Friday flatscreen tv, the other woman allegedly threw a Blueray dvd at Nancy, hitting her in the head. With her head cut, Nancy turned to retaliate, but instead knocked into a temporary display that collapsed, taking with it an entire wall until that supported a full display of flatscreen televisions. Three customers that were directly under the display suffered the worst injuries, and several others had minor abrasions. One store employee recalls,
The sound was intense, like a long rumble of thunder. People panicked and began running toward the front of the store. There was glass everywhere and one man who was hurt pretty bad couldn’t get his leg out from underneath a metal beam that had fallen on him from the collapsed shelves. There was blood pouring out from under the broken televisions and a few people were frantically trying to help.
One man with his leg nearly severed and two others, one with a broken collar bone and the other with lacerations to an arm and both legs, the scene was horrific, Nancy remembers. She and the woman she’d exchanged ugly words with, Lora, were now among the rubble, ambulances, and news reporters flooding to the parking lot. According to a store associate, the injuries sustained were all stabilized and luckily no one was killed. As for Nancy and Lora, neither of them got what they came in for or any good Black Friday deals, well other than a lesson in priorities.
The store manager called Advanced Bio Treatment as part of their efforts to recover from the incident as quickly as possible and open their doors to eager shoppers as soon as possible.
The speed and discretion with which Advanced Bio Treatment worked alongside several construction personnel was phenomenal. After a thorough biohazard cleanup, they were able to safely reopen the majority of the store within hours and fulfill the wishes of everyone eager to shop here.