
In terms of accident cleanup or trauma site remediation, the involvement of a professional cleaning service is crucial.

Whether it is a traffic accident, an accidental death, or an industrial accident, the situation will normally involve blood cleanupbiohazards that require expert attention.

Additionally, the accident scene needs to be cleaned and restored to its original condition as quickly as possible to ease the minds of everyone involved. One thing about this job is that it can really emphasize how fragile and fleeting life can be. Here one day and gone the next, I often remark.

It’s the calls that involve the death of a person from some sort of freak accident that really make me uneasy though. I mean, we all take showers or use the toilet or cook in our kitchens and we don’t consider these tasks to be dangerous, and certainly not fatal.

You wouldn’t believe, however, the number of cases we take on that are the result of someone slipping and falling in the shower. Many times, these incidents aren’t deadly, just traumatic. Head wounds bleed profusely because of the high number of blood vessels located in that area, so when a person trips and hits their head, even the smallest cut can leave a huge mess behind.

Take for example the recent call we took concerning a large amount of blood in a bathroom that was the aftermath left behind after a slip and fall.

The homeowner’s middle aged son had placed the call from her hospital room, with instructions to him at the home. So we geared up the van and headed out.

The house was located in a very pretty, well established neighborhood in the suburbs just outside of a large city in San Jose, California. Tall oak trees lined the street and the row of well maintained homes gave the feeling of a very friendly community. We were met, as told, by a man who identified himself as being the homeowner’s son on the steps in front of the house and after a quick explanation of the process he could expect, we were led inside. Up a flight of steps and down a hallway lined with framed photos hung carefully asking the walls, we entered the master bathroom through the adjacent room.

Standing in the doorway, I balked at the sight of the enormous amount of blood which had soaked in and around the tile on the floor beside an old bathtub…

…and that had begun to dry to a dark crimson in a few areas. Seeing our amazed expressions, the man told us that his mother had been home alone when she decided to take a bath.

After about ten minutes in the tub, she stood up so that she could reach a book sitting on the edge of the sink, but her foot slipped out from behind her and she face planted into the hard tiled edge of the tub, shattering her jaw, then bouncing back just enough to split her head open on the tub faucet. Blood had cascaded out of her injured mouth, face, and back of her head pooling in the tub, and splashing around the floor and toilet.

It was only when her daughter came to fetch her about 15 minutes later that she was found. It was a terrible story, and I felt a deep sense of responsibly to remove all traces of the traumatic event so that the victim would not have to relieve that accident.

The cleanup was very routine. We carefully and methodically cleaned, sanitized and put back the scene to the condition it had been in before her fall. We used our special equipment to carefully clean the sub flooring and replace all new tile and grout. Then we made sure that there was no blood left on the tub, toilet or walls before we were satisfied.

Even after completing as many cleanups as I have, seeing the family member’s relief once they see the finished product never gets old. His weariness seemed to relax a little when we handed the home back over to him and that made me feel like I had helped the family in the best way I could.

You don’t want to try and attempt to clean up a crime scene or accident scene.

Blood and other bodily fluids can contain dangerous pathogens which pose a significant risk to human health. Our scene cleanup technicians will decontaminate and remove any blood, tissue or bodily fluids a crime and trauma scene has left behind. Advanced Bio Treatment is a professional scene cleaning company.

Regardless of whether the scene is at your home and personal property, a commercial business, or industrial site, we’ll strictly adhere to OSHA regulations and API Work-safe guidelines in our cleanup efforts. We only deploy EPA registered hospital grade cleansers and disinfectants.

If you need blood cleanup, trauma or accidental death cleanup guidance, have questions about your payment options or current insurance policy covers don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-295-1684.

Posted in Blood Cleanup
Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment