
After a hard day at work you can’t wait to get home and relax, enjoy a glass of wine and dinner. You pull into the driveway and something feels different, can’t quite put your finger on it, but you feel it. Nevertheless you proceed into your house as usual, key in the lock, open the door to shattered glass, open drawers and a sick feeling in your stomach that someone has broken into your home.

As you look around the house you see your belongings scattered. The broken glass reveals the intruders entered through the broken glass and unlocked the door. They came in during the daylight hours, even a bit more disturbing knowing that they must have known you were gone.

How violated you feel. The home you felt safe in prior to this moment now feels a bit different, unsafe perhaps.

In some strange way you feel fortunate that no one was home when the thieves broke into your home. Still, as you go through your house and try to account for what is missing, your jewelry, credit cards, cash, you still can’t get over the sense of violation.

Advanced Bio-Treatment professionals are no strangers to crime scenes such as this. Burglaries are often disturbing and the perpetrators leave a huge mess behind. Victims feel violated and helpless, often it takes time for them to feel safe in their own home again.

In the state of Florida, the crime of burglary can be prosecuted as first degree, second degree, or third degree.

If the person committing the burglary engaged in assault or battery to another person in the home while committing the crime this is considered first degree and the punishment is much more severe than a burglary where no one is home and no one is injured. Prosecutors must prove that the defendant entered the home without authorization. If the crime were to qualify for a first degree felony the state could seek a sentence for up to life imprisonment.

Being burglarized is a traumatic event, if you need assistance with clean up please don’t hesitate to contact Advanced Bio-Treatment. Our team of professionals are available 24/7.

If you need scene cleanup and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Advanced Bio Treatment 800-706-1420

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment