
At Advanced Bio Treatment, we are professionals in a business many people couldn’t handle on a daily basis, if at all…. cleanup of the aftermath left behind when someone has died, from suicides, to accidental deaths, and even murder, we are the biohazard experts who will not only thoroughly clean and sanitize your property, but also return it, and your sanity, to a condition more familiar in happier times.

In this profession, you must develop a thick skin very quickly, or you will never last a week.

One time, we had just taken on a new trainee when we got a call for homicide/crime scene remediation. The caller was the family attorney representing the homeowner and immediately I felt relief that we would not have to have our intern’s first job be one where he would have to witness overwhelmed, grief stricken family members.

We drove out to the address listed by the attorney, who was going to meet us in the home’s attached garage. The neighborhood was very charming, mostly middle class by the looks of the manicured lawns and newer model cars. But experience always told me that these seemingly perfect communities can often hide the darkest secrets. This case would prove to be pretty dark.

We were led into a back master bedroom, and right away I spotted drug paraphernalia, a meth pipe, laying next to a mattress soaked in blood which had pooled into the center like a crimson pond. The aftermath of gunshots peppered the walls behind the bed, with blood spattered all over and large chunks of brain matter clung to the bed frame and ceiling fan.

Turns out that the victim was a married man with a dangerous habit.. when his wife traveled outside of the area for work, John Doe made a beeline to his local meth dealer and then as he got high, riding around in his car, he would pick up young male prostitutes and take them back to the family home to have sex and do drugs. This time, he had picked the wrong fella.

After some type of altercation inside the home, the attacker retrieved John Doe’s pistol, which he had seen earlier in the night, and unloaded the weapon into the dozing victim… The wife had the unfortunate luck of going home to find the aftermath left behind after the murderer fled the scene.

The job took some elbow grease, and the intern did make it through the cleanup, but at the end as we handed the keys back over to the lawyer, the trainee turned and fled like the murderer must have. You either got it or you don’t.

You don’t want to try and attempt to clean up a crime scene or accident scene. Blood and other bodily fluids can contain dangerous pathogens which pose a significant risk to human health. Our scene clean up technicians will decontaminate and remove any blood, tissue or bodily fluids a crime and trauma scene has left behind. Advanced Bio Treatment is a professional scene cleaning company.

Regardless of whether the scene is at your home and personal property, a commercial business, or industrial site, we’ll strictly adhere to OSHA regulations and API Worksafe guidelines in our cleanup efforts. We only deploy EPA registered hospital grade cleansers and disinfectants.

If you need trauma or accidental death clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options or current insurance policy covers don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-295-1684.

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment