Serious Murder Revenge in Charlotte
There must have been quite a bit of anger built up inside this young lady, because dang, she did some damage. Makes you wonder what she has experienced in her life to follow through doing that to someone!
Multiple bullet holes on different areas of the wall indicates a chase down. She finally aimed correctly, shot him in the knee, and then murdered him on the bed with numerous stab wounds to the heart, face and the side of his neck. Like I said, lady was pissed.
Turns out, the young lady was in fact raped and molested by the older man and hunted him down for revenge; not something you see often. Usually victims do the opposite and bottle up their fears and emotions and sometime don’t even tell anyone. This vigilante has my kudos for her justification. I know it is not right to kill, especially so brutally, but it isn’t right to rape someone either. Hindsite 20/20?
Regardless of What Happened, There I Was in Beautiful North Carolina Cleaning Up a Bloody Massacre
In a situation as this body fluids and biological tissues create biohazards that the untrained are unprepared to clean up. DO NOT ATTEMPT A BLOOD CLEAN UP without calling ABT to properly handle the situation.
The cleanup of a murder scene involves the removal and cleaning or disposal of items that have been contaminated with biohazardous materials such as body fluids, blood, or tissue matter, but does not stop there.
Advanced Bio-Treatment is the murder scene cleanup company that protects you and your family by doing the job with well-trained discreet employees. If you need blood clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our blood cleanup services immediately, give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684.
CALL 800-295-1684