
Road Rage Results in Driver Being Stabbed to Death

Monday’s drive home from work was nothing but slick and nasty wet roads and Jeff and Lora P. were both exhausted fighting the traffic.

The yellow Volkswagen had seen better days and had a couple of dents in it but it still ran good and got excellent gas mileage. Lora preferred driving them back and forth to work because it cost much less in gas.

She really doesn’t remember why she decided to change lanes but she did and when she did apparently that set the driver behind her off on a road rage mission to punish her.

Suddenly she saw headlights in her rear view mirror and the man in the red truck was on her bumper blaring his horn. Next thing you know he was trying to run her off the road. She remembers Jeff yelling, “oh my God, what is wrong with that fool!”  These were the last words she ever heard him speak.

Apparently she hit a patch of black ice and she spun around at least four times before landing upside down in a ditch on the side of the highway.

Jeff’s head hit the windshield and he was bleeding profusely. She couldn’t move to help him and he wasn’t moving at all. She was scared to death but at the same time she couldn’t think clearly what to do.

It Seemed Like an Eternity Before She Heard Someone Outside

Someone was finally asking if they were okay. It seemed even longer before police and a wrecker managed to turn the car over and get them out of the car.

Both her and Jeff were loaded into ambulances and taken to the hospital emergency room. Jeff was pronounced dead on arrival.

The days and months ahead Lora faced alone the funeral and court proceedings against the driver of the red truck. A quick thinking witness jotted down his license plate number and the police charged him with wreckless driving.

Lora was abhorred at the charge of wreckless driving, her husband was now dead and never coming back. In her mind this was murder.

During the course of the trial it was revealed that the driver of the red pickup truck worked in a local cafeteria that happened to be close to Lora’s work.

She thought and thought about this man being free to live his life while hers had changed forever.

Lora parked in front of the cafeteria three nights in a row and watched the driver of the red pickup truck come and go from work. She knew exactly what his schedule was.

The next night she returned to the cafeteria and waited until there was no one around but her and the driver of the red pickup truck. She walked into the kitchen and stabbed him repeatedly in the chest until he was dead. Lora reported the incident herself. Her fate is yet to be determined.

Advanced Bio-Treatment professionals are called in to clean, disinfect and remove blood and pathogens from the kitchen, extra precautions must be taken to prevent the spread of dangerous body fluids and pathogens.

Our 24/7 Cleanup Service Areas Include:
Florida, Georgia, Washington DC, New York , Kentucky and other crime scene states

If you need scene cleanup and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our death cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-706-1420.

We offer a referral fee of up to $500.



Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment