This job can be extremely rewarding on so many levels.
Being able to travel and see the country is nice but nothing tops the feeling you get when you help a family restore a home and try to move on from tragedy. That can give you an amazing sense of accomplishment.
On the other hand, there are some days where the job just grinds you down. You can only do so much to help and nothing you say or do can take away the grief from a suffering family. After this particular job, I needed a week off.
It shouldn’t surprise me that a job with this level of coldness would occur during a full moon.
Some people dismiss the “full moon makes people crazy” theory but those of us who deal in the shadier side of humanity can tell you there’s truth to this.
Even thinking about this job in Memphis, TN brings back all sorts of unpleasant memories and emotions. If I get this way thinking about this job that involves people I don’t personally know, I couldn’t imagine the horror and pain the family is dealing with.
A family was dealing with their daughter who was a junkie and had been for years. Who knows what went wrong, when it went wrong or how. Despite her mistakes and flaws, you know that her family still loved her to try to continue to help her even when she couldn’t help herself through her downward spiral.
Over the years apparently she stole from them numerous times, used their credit cards, ran up the phone bills, wrecked cars, got pregnant and didn’t take care of the kids so the parents ended up raising them and on and on and on it went.
To hear them tell it she used to be the sweetest, nicest girl and once the addiction grabbed a hold of her she turned out to be mean, manipulative and selfish. She cared about nothing except how she would find her next high.
Over the course of the years her life became like a game of pinball. Bouncing between jail, rehab and the house of whatever man would take her in that week.
So you think how long could this go on before something really bad happens. As life would have it this last go round of rehab put her back on the streets. This time she was turning tricks, her family knew she was out but she wouldn’t even call to check on her own children.
On her last night alive, the night of the full moon she decided that she wanted a little extra money. She figured she’d do her “job” and once her rented lover was done and asleep she’d help herself to his wallet and slip out in the night unnoticed.
He must have been awake or knew that something was up and didn’t trust her but before she could even make it out of the room he pulled his pistol and shot her point blank, leaving her to die in a pool of her own blood in a downtown flophouse.
Usually this is the part where we tell you that we came in, did an amazing job cleaning and the family was relieved to start moving on and smiled for the first time since this tragedy struck, except this time there was no happy ending. We did our job, the family was still shattered with grief and we received another call about another shooting on the opposite end of town that required our immediate attention.
Blood cleanup requires special training, equipment and decontamination techniques that should be used. People who have not been trained should not attempt to do cleanup on their own. The health risks posed to the untrained can be catastrophic.
ABT professionals are trained and ready to deal with this. We are available 24/7. For you.
If you need clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our blood cleanup services immediately, give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684.