
With so much press coverage over the last few weeks about one of the most horrific illnesses known to man, Ebola, it’s understandable that Americans are on high alert and becoming increasingly concerned.

After all, the World Health Organization recently went on record saying that as many as 1.2 million people may contract the deadly bug by January 2015. That’s a startling prediction to say the least.

At Advanced Bio Treatment, we are well versed in the control and elimination of infectious diseases, like C.Diff and Influenza among many others, to prevent the spread of these dangerous organisms. Armed with the latest cutting edge decontamination systems, including the renowned Halo Fogger, and using only the first rate, hospital grade cleaners and disinfectants, ABT can remove all threats of cross contamination from day cares to doctors offices, we handle it all.

We believe that through proper education, including information about specific illnesses as well as the correct safety and hygiene practices, will go a long way to easing the minds and protecting the bodies of people everywhere. So, let’s run over a few quick facts about Ebola, that we have touched bases on in previous blogs.

One of the most frightening viruses known to man, the Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a disease caused by one of five different Ebola viruses. Four of the strains can cause severe illness in humans and animals. The fifth, Reston virus, has caused illness in some animals, but not in humans.

The first human outbreaks occurred in 1976, one in northern Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) in Central Africa: and the other, in southern Sudan (now South Sudan). The virus is named after the Ebola River, where the virus was first recognized in 1976,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Ebola is extremely infectious but not extremely contagious.

It is infectious, because an infinitesimally small amount can cause illness. Laboratory experiments on nonhuman primates suggest that even a single virus may be enough to trigger a fatal infection. Instead, Ebola could be considered moderately contagious, because the virus is not transmitted through the air. The most contagious diseases, such as measles or influenza, virus particles are airborne.

Humans can be infected by other humans if they come in contact with body fluids from an infected person or contaminated objects from infected persons. Humans can also be exposed to the virus, for example, by butchering infected animals. While the exact reservoir of Ebola viruses is still unknown, researchers believe the most likely natural hosts are fruit bats.

Symptoms of Ebola typically include: weakness, fever, aches, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain. Additional experiences include rash, red eyes, chest pain, throat pain, difficulty breathing or swallowing and bleeding (including internal).

Typically, symptoms appear 8-10 days after exposure to the virus, but the incubation period can span two to 21 days.

Unprotected health care workers are susceptible to infection because of their close contact with patients during treatment. Ebola is not transmissible if someone is asymptomatic or once someone has recovered from it. However, the virus has been found in semen for up to three months.


Despite the seriousness of the disease, which causes bleeding from the mouth, ears and eyes, preventing it spreading is relatively simple. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap or, if that is not available, a hand sanitizers can be used.

Avoid any contact with someone you believe is infected, especially with their bodily fluids, advises the World Health Organisation (WHO). This is probably not something that as Americans, we need worry about unless you are traveling to one of the West African countries involved, but if you do need to go near someone with the virus, use protective gear such as face masks and gloves.

WHO states any areas an infected person could have had contact with, such as bed linens, should be disinfected. If you believe someone you know has been infected, or if you think you might have contracted Ebola, the best thing to do is isolate yourself from any other people around you and call medical help immediately. A sudden temperature, muscle aches, vomiting or a rash might indicate you have the disease.

Again, it is highly unlikely that you will need this information, but it’s better to be educated than not. If worried about the presence or spread of an infectious disease, we can help.

If you’re responsible for an office, day care center, church or the like, safety is always of utmost importance. You can’t afford to try deal with something as potentially serious as a infectious disease outbreak on your own. That’s why we’re here. Advanced Bio Treatment will research your particular problem and give you a cleanup and sanitation plan tailored to your situation. We are well trained, OSHA compliant, and meets all EPA guidelines for disposal of infectious material.

The health hazards posed by Bird Flu, Swine Flu or H1N1, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus infections or MRSA have been all over the news a lately. The potential for the spread of infectious diseases has never been higher. There have been verified cases of outbreaks of these bio hazards, which can be deadly and are particularly dangerous to anyone with a weakened immune system.

Whether you need a Staph infection cleanup, C-DIFF cleanup, or any other infectious disease cleanup, the sanitation and decontamination technicians here at ABT have the cleanup skills protect you and yours.

Ebola Virus Image© Studio3321 | Dreamstime.comEbola Virus Photo
Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment