When a traumatic event occurs that requires a police presence and even a coroner, you need a qualified crime scene clean up company.
This isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity! You are under incredible stress already, you don’t need to further jeopardize your health by exposing yourself to the dangers of cleaning up bodily fluids. You need a helping hand and Advanced Bio Treatment is here to help!
No job is an easy job but the ones that really disturb the soul are the ones that pull back the curtain on the darkness that man can harbor. It’s tough to see people be heartless and cruel to others especially when they’re trying to give a hand to lift someone hopelessness. It’s even worse when that evil manifests itself in the form of betrayal over an imagined slight.
Our caller requested our services and we were dispatched to an older neighborhood outside of Philadelphia. Our caller was the wife of the deceased. Her husband owned a business that flipped houses which is the process of buying and fixing up a house to be resold for profit.
We arrived in the neighborhood and noticed that most of the houses were in the process of being restored to their former glory so this man wasn’t the only one flipping houses. He was just the unluckiest it seemed.
Arriving on the scene we saw various building materials scattered across the lawn so we watched our step as we were led inside by our caller, a smaller lady in her 40s struggling with becoming a widow so soon.
Entering the living room we could immediately tell this is where everything had come to an end for her husband. There was no furniture in the room except for a couch which was overturned from a struggle. The bareness of the room really drew your eyes to the massive puddle of blood that had pooled in the middle of the floor. At least that left the job pretty straight forward for us.
During a pause in the work I could see the recent widow was really struggling to grasp what was going on in her life now, her entire world was just flipped upside down so I gently took her aside and offered an ear to help her unload her burden.
She had explained how unexpected all this was. She said her husband was a great man, a kind man who was always trying to give back to the community and to others. She loved that about him and said it was one of the things that made her fall so hard for him but now she was hurting because that desire to help was what got him killed.
Turns out her husband had met a gentleman outside of a gas station. This gentleman was down on his luck. He had no job, no money, no food so her husband tried to help him out by offering him work as a laborer on the house that they were renovating.
It seems her husband put his faith in the wrong man that day. Late one evening, after the day’s work was done she said her husband was confronted by the man that he had helped. The man agreed to be a laborer for one price and decided he wanted more money for what he did that day. Angered that he wasn’t able to bully his way into more money he grabbed a hammer and hit her husband in the head with it repeatedly. His greed and anger turned a father and husband into a victim right there in front of the fireplace they had just rebuilt.
Tragic loss, all over a few dollars. Sometimes this world doesn’t make sense. The bright note, if you can call it that, was that the police were able to catch the killer just a few blocks away. He was still covered in the man’s blood and couldn’t explain his way out of it. I imagine justice will be served with him. Too bad that won’t bring this good man back to his family. At least the home was able to be cleaned for resale and the family could move on without this being a constant reminder of the love they lost.
If you ever need our services or just have questions on what may be covered by insurance then please call Advanced Bio Treatment at 800-295-1684. We are available and ready 24/7 to clean all possible contaminants that could harm you and your family.