
The Most Horrific Sight You Can Imagine

Picture coming home from work and finding your husband’s body. Knowing that he shot himself in the head makes it that much worse. This Auburn GA man shot himself in the head and as you can see the blood spatters were everywhere in the room, all the way to the ceiling.

Experts can figure out an entire crime scene by the pattern of the blood spatters. They can determine things like how far away the shot was fired, what type of gun was likely to have been used, etc. In this case which was an apparent self inflicted gun shot there isn’t much to figure out. The spatters do show though, how information could be obtained from the scenes like this.

Here is a little information on blood spatters:

A low-velocity spatter is usually the result of dripping blood. For example, if someone is stabbed to death and walks around there will be a pattern of dripping.

A medium-velocity spatter is one that had a force of anywhere from 5 to 100 feet per second and is usually no more than four millimeters in diameter. This type of spatter can be caused by a blunt object, such as a bat or an intense beating with a fist.

High-velocity spatters are usually caused by gunshot wounds, they can be caused by other weapons if the assailant extreme force is used. They travel more than 100 feet per second and usually look like a fine spray of tiny droplets, less than one millimeter in diameter.

Professional analysts look for larger drops of blood among the many tiny drops to see if they are castoffs. These types of droplets are also found often on places like ceilings when the rest of the spatters are concentrated elsewhere.

We Ensure Proper Decontamination Of The Scene

an experienced clean up service, such as ourselves, should be employed on these types of situations. Human feces, urine, and blood cleanup pose a significant risk to human health. Advanced Bio-Treatment is well trained in EPA and OSHA regulations for biohazard cleaning.

Advanced Bio-Treatment has experience in the decontamination and remediation of crime scenes, accident scenes, suicides and other unattended deaths. We will work with your insurance company to ensure that our biohazard cleanup services meets both your standards and theirs.

Our 24/7 Cleanup Service Areas Include:
Florida, Georgia, Washington DC, New York , Kentucky and other crime scene states

If you need scene clean-up and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684.

ABT Offers Referrals Up To $500

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment