
The Plan Was Not Foolproof!

We hear all the time about the dumbest crooks and some of the stupid tricks they do trying to break in, steal, pull off a scam, etc, without getting caught.

Sure, there are professionals who get away with crime all the time. They live for the excitement or something. Maybe they get a huge rush of adrenaline. Who knows what makes people do what they do?

Here’s a story for ya. This wasn’t from the picture above. Heard a lady bought some crack cocaine for the first time. She started smoking it and didn’t feel like she was getting as high as she should.

She started thinking she had been ripped off and was furious. So she called the police to see if they could help her get her money back. DUH. Big mistake. The rest is history.

The above crime scene was in a little town in Alabama. The two fools who tried to break in a little ole granny’s home didn’t count on her being armed with a 45 magnum. She shot them both. She’s 78 and is claiming self defense, go granny go!

If you have been the victim of burglary or battery you are already suffering. Burglary is invasive and battery is nothing less than horrifying. In its aftermath no one want to handle the task of cleanup. Leave the cleanup of a burglary or battery scene to the crime scene cleanup professionals of Advanced Bio Treatment.

Advanced Bio Treatment is a team of crime scene cleaning professionals dedicated to providing you the service you deserve. We have the experience and training to handle all your burglary cleanup or battery cleanup needs, including blood cleanup and fingerprint dust cleanup. Additionally, we can help you with any payment questions you have regarding crime scene cleanup and even help you file your insurance claim.

We are here to help. You can trust the professional cleanup technicians at Advanced Bio Treatment to perform thorough discreet burglary scene or battery scene clean up work. We are IICRC certified and will return the crime scene to its original condition.

If you need crime scene clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-295-1684 or e-mail us at info@advancedbio-treatment.com.

ABT offers a referral fee of up to $500.



Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment