Blood Cleanup: Scared to Death, Literally
Our technicians at Advanced Bio Treatment will tell you that they see all kinds of tragedy related trauma, but that it’s the avoidable accidents that are hardest to cope with. The careless, negligent mistakes that are the most haunting, like toying with guns, letting children play unattended in or around cars, and driving under the influence, are what our clients struggle with the most. An incident last year that a team of our technicians were called out to in Charleston, South Carolina was one such account of blatant irresponsibility that led to our team performing blood cleanup. The night had progressed as a few guys had a few too many beers, and when one couldn’t get rid of a case of the hiccups, one thing lead to another until everything was suddenly tragically out of control.
A buddy of mine who was rooming with Jason was there when it happened. They’d been fooling around making Jason stand on his head while drinking a beer and even putting a plastic bag over his head to keep him from breathing. All in the name of curing hiccups. That’s when Nathan pulled out a shotgun.
A man by the name of Nathan decided to “scare” Jason by running into the room, pumping a 12-gauge shotgun, and pointing it at Jason, attempting to rid him of his hiccups. The gun was thought to be unloaded when Nathan pulled the trigger, firing the weapon into Jason’s upper body at close range. Panic quickly ensued as Nathan attempted to stop the profuse bleeding and the other man fumbled to call 911 on his cell phone. Jason bled to death on the living room floor of their apartment before first responders arrived minutes after the call was made.
Blood Cleanup: The Ugly Truth
First responders recommended Advanced Bio Treatment to the apartment building owner and our team arrived the next morning once the investigation was complete. The amount and distance of the spread of blood discharged from the body upon impact with a shotgun slug can be tremendous. The victim was standing with his back to the kitchen when he was shot, resulting in the blood splatter covering the kitchen appliances. Circumstances such as these often require not only cleaning and decontamination, but also disassembly of appliances and other non-porous items with crevices to ensure that even microscopic remnants of blood are removed and decontaminated. The technicians on scene thoroughly scrubbed and disinfected affected areas as far as 20 feet from the place where the victim stood, including tiny dried blood droplets on the ceiling of the hallway leading to the bedrooms. It’s essential that thorough cleaning and decontamination takes place. Aside from the fact that the owner must rent the apartment out again in the near future to trusting tenants, the owner and future tenants must be assured safety from harmful, and even deadly, viral and bacterial bloodborne pathogens.
Blood is a serious issue when it is no longer contained by the body because there is a danger that others may come into contact with it. There are the obvious dangers of HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and the now rampant Zika virus, but there are also many other pathogens that can be present in wet and dry blood, some capable of surviving for years outside of the body.
The safest, more responsible choice is to hire professionals to clean up bloodspills. Biohazard cleanup is no joke, and Advanced Bio Treatment is well versed and well practiced in government and industry standards for your biohazard waste and biohazard cleanup needs. We’re honored to offer our compassionate, professionally trained technicians to help you recover.
Call us 24-hours a day, 365 days a year at 1-800-295-1684.