Today is a Day For Remembrance and Honor
Today is a day we honor the many soldiers who have fallen during the line of duty. We honor those who have willingly given the ultimate sacrifice, their life, for their country and their families.
A time of war or deployment is not easy. The families and loved ones HAVE to say goodbye as if it were the last time they will ever see their soldier. Let’s face it, it’s the truth, they may not return. As many have not in the past who we remember today.
Who wants to die for their country? Believe it or not, many people out there believe in freedom, justice and protection. These brave men and women put themselves on the line everyday. As for myself, I cannot fathom the thought of leaving behind my family, home, etc. The everyday sacrifice these men and women put out is something I could NEVER do and I GREATLY appreciate you all for everything you do and have done; including losing your life.
I have to say this, I hate war. I hate that our country fights in wars. But I think this part of life is inevitable and someone has to do it. Kudos to you, your family, and AMERICA!
The military life is not easy. Take it from me, first hand, I have A LOT of family in the military and have dealt with many hardships myself. Relocating, field training exercises, long periods of separation, constant budget cuts, the list goes on and on.
But What’s Important?
What’s important is to live everyday with your soldier as if it were your last because you just never know. It is important to honor and respect those who have fallen and those who continue to serve today.
It is important to remember that when you are sad because you are out of Wheaties, remember those in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea or Vietnam who went without eating or was stuck with the delicious MRE.
It is important to remember when you are cozy and warm in your bed at night, that a soldier is freezing and hardly sleeping a wink trying to stay alert for the constant threat of danger.
It is important to honor the families who have endured the hardship of the military life, deployments, war and relocation. It is important to remember they serve just as much, OR MORE, than the soldiers because often, this life if a life they choose to live because of love for their soldier, not love for the military. Soldiers have a certain mentality that is hard to for their loved ones to grasp sometimes.
It is also important to remember to call ABT if you come across an unexpected traumatic event. We are professional, empathetic individuals who have a passion for helping and respecting the families involved. Call 800-295-1684 for assistance. We also give $$$ for your referral if you know of someone else that needs assistance.