
What is a Biohazard?

A “biohazard” is a biological substance, like an infectious microorganism, or a condition that is dangerous to or threatens human beings or the environment. Most biohazards are bacteria. Many biohazards are lethal. They can and will make you deathly sick and even kill you.

Biohazardous waste is infectious waste such as blood, body fluids, and feces. These bodily fluids can contain:

  • deadly pathogens
  • malaria
  • hepatitis B
  • hepatitis C
  • HIV

Advanced Bio treatment cleans crime scenes, death scenes, hoarding scenes, and accident-trauma scenes every day. Which means we deal extensively and constantly, on almost every cleanup job, with potentially lethal biohazards. We are thoroughly trained to handle biohazardous scenes, such as: decontamination, biohazard waste pick up and biohazard disposal services.

Biohazard Waste Disposal Services

Pathogens are microorganisms that cause disease and are spread primarily through direct contact, especially if the pathogen touches a mucous membrane such as: the eye, nose, mouth or touches an open cut or sore. As a result biohazard cleanup scenes require professionally certified decontamination and biohazard waste disposal services. When biohazards can’t be eliminated, biohazard waste cleanup companies must have the expertise and knowledge to safely handle, contain, package, and dispose of biohazardous material. Safety extends far beyond the technicians just handling the biohazardous waste. Improper containment, packaging, and disposal of biohazardous waste can quickly spread deadly disease into the general population.

If biohazards in your home or place of business are not quickly and correctly contained and decontaminated, the hazardous waste can pose serious health and safety risks to you, your loved ones, your employees, and your customers. If the biohazard cleanup job is not done correctly, the health and safety risk can extend far beyond the immediate area into the general population. That’s why Advanced Bio Treatment responds to calls 24/7 and offers emergency decontamination services.

Biohazard Waste Cleanup Services

Most commonly, the following are the biohazard waste cleanup services you can expect:

  • Complete containment of the affected areas.
  • Full on-site decontamination of areas that can be treated on site.
  • Complete bad odor removal of affected areas.
  • OSHA, EPA, IICRC standards compliant off-site removal, treatment, and disposal of biohazardous waste.

Not all biohazard waste disposal companies adhere to OSHA, EPA, IICRC and state guidelines. Even if a company says it does, don’t take anyone’s word for it. Check the OSHA, EPA, IICRC, and state standards for yourself and make sure that the company you hire for biohazard waste disposal adheres to these government-agency standards and to the state standards set by the state in which you live:

OSHA Guidelines:


EPA Guidelines:


IICRC Guidelines:


State Guidelines:


Advanced Bio Treatment offers professional biohazard pick up and biohazard disposal services. We are here for you 24 hours every day of the year, and we take emergency calls and work with your insurance company. Should you need our services, please call us at 800-295-1684.


Posted in Blog
Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment