
Every year millions of innocent people are the victims of violent crime.

The trauma emotionally is devastating. There are additional concerns and issues that arise from crime. There are some sources for crime victims to turn to for help.

Every state has its own Crime Victim Compensation program and determination for eligibility is governed by each state individually. We want to spread the word that there is help available as many times people are unaware such programs even exist.

There are some steps to follow in order to qualify, and again, these vary from state to state, but in general, basic requirements have to be met.

The crime must be reported to local authorities promptly and the victim must cooperate with police and investigators as much as possible, (there may be some exceptions if the victim is a child.)

An application must be submitted for compensation, a cost of services not covered by insurance, would need to be provided. Not having committed any criminal act that contributed to the crime.

Again, check with your state agency for specific rules and requirements as there may be exceptions to these steps.

Who is eligible? Victims of rape, assault, domestic violence, child abuse, drunk driving, and families of homicide victims are all eligible.

Medical care, mental health treatment, funeral expense assistance can all be part of compensation. In addition, crime scene cleanup expenses may be covered.

Advanced Bio-Treatment is experienced in dealing with crime scene cleanup in all kinds of situations. Murders, suicides, unattended death are all difficult situations that families are unprepared and often in a state of shock.

We realize the emotional trauma that goes along with these situations and are sensitive and empathetic to families going through these difficulties. Our job is to work quickly and efficiently to restore the crime scene back to normal. This may involve extensive cleanup. Our team of professionals deal with families under stress and duress and offer kindness and support.

Should you ever be faced with such difficulty, know that you are not alone, we are here to help you and there are agencies that can offer financial assistance as well.

Our 24/7 Cleanup Service Areas Include Florida, Georgia, Washington DC, New York , Kentucky and many other states.

If you need scene cleanup and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our crime scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Advanced Bio Treatment 800-706-1420

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment