The Reality of Life in the End is Death
How or when that happens is unknown. Unexpected tragedies, accidents and trauma can occur at any time to anyone anywhere.
Advanced Bio-Treatment has professional accident, trauma and crime scene cleaning crews ready to go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Here are a few bizarre but true freak accidents that resulted in horrific scenes.
ABT offers a referral for crime scene or other cleanup jobs up to $500.
A group of EMT’s were asked what were some of the most bizarre accidents they had responded to:
“I responded to a guy that was choking on a McDonald’s hamburger. He went into a deep ditch, went airborne and ended up across the railroad tracks against the wall of a wrecking yard.” — Paul Kessler
“Responded to 52 cars, trucks, RVs and tractor trailers in the fog. There was one medical code, one active labor and one ambulance was rear ended by another ambulance. Overall, 40 patients were transported and one rescue involved a person pinned under a car. We were on the scene for six hours.” — Mark Harris
From a Collection of Weird But True Freak Accidents
This one from a personal injury law firm:
In Donegal Town, Ireland, a woman was injured when a car fell on her from the second story of a parking garage.
A woman’s boyfriend, tossing sticks to his dog decided to toss a knife instead which caught on his finger, looped back and stuck his girlfriend in the throat.
A 42-year-old Texas man died of a brain hemorrhage when he was trying to steal a statue of the Virgin Mary from a local nursery.
In North Lanarkshire, Scotland – like a scene from Final Destination—a woman in her thirties slipped in her kitchen and was stabbed by the upright knives from her open dishwasher.
In 1814 in London, England, a vat of beer in a brewery mysteriously exploded forcing 550,000 gallons of beer to spill into the streets. The wave of beer destroyed two homes and crumbled the walls of a local pub trapping a teenage employee under the rubble. Eight people drowned in the flood.
No matter how strange or bizarre the nature of the accident the fact remains there is often an aftermath that requires professional accident & trauma scene cleanup technicians to decontaminate and disinfect the mess.
If you need after death cleanup and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-706-1420.