
He Thought Her Story Didn’t Add Up

But he could never quite figure out why until that night. His girlfriend got a text late at night that said “Thinking of you,” and that was the last straw. The text came from a former one-night stand whose name was saved in the phone as work, so nothing was ever suspicious.

The angered boyfriend took his lover’s phone, responded to the text and set up a private place for them to meet up again, only this time it would be him instead. The story is that the boyfriend was just planning to scare and threaten him, but the plan took a turn for the worst when he showed up to meet him.

Boyfriend walks inside abandoned building and immediately starts yelling at the “one night stand.” Unfortunately, this particular one night stand also carried a gun. The “one night stand” did not like boyfriend threatening him so he pistol whipped him in the back of the head and then shot him in the head as he ran off.

The story doesn’t stop there! The now deceased boyfriend had a very close click of friends who actually got arrested on purpose to run into the “one night stand” in prison and well, you can figure out the ending of that story.

Bad News For Cheaters

ABT has learned that cheating gets you nowhere and sometimes, killed.

At Advanced Bio Treatment we understand that dealing with the aftermath of a homicidesuicide,unattended death, or accident can be an overwhelmingly tragic experience that no one should have to deal with alone.  Advanced Bio Treatment offers compassionate and professional crime scene or accidental death clean up services to all crime and trauma victims and their families.

We choose our employees for crime scene cleanup based upon their empathy, professionalism, attention to detail, commitment to privacy, and of course their compassion for the families and victims.

If you need clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our blood cleanup services immediately, give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684.

ABT Offers Up To $500 For Your Referral


Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment