To All Those Who Have Lost Someone
There isn’t a day that goes by that I am not affected by what I see on this job. The crime scenes from people that are hurt by the thoughtless and malicious actions of others keep on coming. We get phone calls all hours of the night. ABT is a 24/7 operation. We are here to help all hours of the night or day.
We travel and have teams in various cities around the country. No matter where we are there is plenty of work. I love my work but don’t think for one minute that the crimes that go on don’t upset us because they most certainly do.
I often think to myself that could be my loved one. How would I feel? Would I be able to cope with life afterwards? What happens to people after we leave? I often wonder to myself where are the families of these scenes now and how are they coping? Are they able to deal with the grief and the sadness ok?
We like to think that we get the appearance of the place back to normal as quickly as possible. We know in reality that “normalcy” may never feel the same. How could your life not be forever changed after suffering such horrible atrocities.
We Talk About The Importance Of Being Empathetic
I don’t think our readers are ignorant as to what that means but just in case you have wondered what we mean by that let’s touch on it a little bit.
The characteristic of empathy in a person is one who can share another person’s feelings. An empathetic person can understand your feelings of loss or heartache almost as if it were their own. We use empathy instead of sympathy to describe how we strive to relate to and have compassion upon the families of the victims in these crime scenes.
Sympathy is very closely related to empathy yet is not the same. Sympathy is often expressed through a direct action to comfort or response due to a loss or problem such as sending flowers to a bereft family or taking a casserole for a family after a funeral.
Advanced Bio Treatment strives to be professional, empathetic, prompt, courteous all the while we work within the guidelines and rules set by OSHA, EPA, and more. There is much more than meets the eye.
If you need clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our blood cleanup services immediately, give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684.