
Man Stabbed to Death


A hoarder one day, and a murder scene the next. Did I mention I love my job? So there was this gentleman just relaxing on his couch who suddenly hears a disturbing knock. For this ol’ lad, this was the knock of death. Come to find out, he might have had some problems and got himself into some trouble that did not end well for him in the least.   

My crew gets called out for these types of scenes all the time. This specific situation ended with this poor guy being stabbed to death by an angry pimp for his ho. Seriously, not joking. I have to be honest, I thought these situations only happened in the movies!

Blood is everywhere, of course, and my crew has to work fast to decontaminate. I slip on my suit, mask, and start picking up chunks of coagulated blood and scrubbing some serious contaminated environments.

He had been stabbed repeatedly by the pimp who probably killed him over money, drugs, or sex, I assume. They say “All’s well that ends well,” is this true for bad situations? I can tell you from my death scene clean-up experience, all bad ends bad.

So how do we clean up the blood?

This is actually a procedure that is a lot more tedious than one would think. It involves many chemicals, regulations, and experience.

The blood was everywhere, all over the mattress and the floors! In order to do proper blood clean up on this job, we had to actually pry up the floorboards until there was no blood to be found underneath. The mattress had to be disposed of properly, and all of the floorboards as well.

We of course had to do all of the proper decontamination of the crime scene before calling this job done, but this is just another one for the books! This job amazes me everyday, especially the stories behind the scene.

We offer a referral fee of up to $500.

If you  or someone that you know needs crime scene cleanup and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-706-1420.

Our 24/7 Cleanup Service Areas Include:

Florida, Georgia, Washington DC, New York , Kentucky and other crime scene states

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment