
The word “Zombie” in some cultures means the spirit of the dead. In the Haitian culture, Zombies are very real and to be feared.

How does one become a Zombie? According to theories there are two main ways you could become a Zombie, one is a person who is cursed dies and returns as a Zombie. The other theory is a virus is transmitted via contagious body fluid by a bite or through kissing. The popular series The Walking Dead depicts the zombie bite as the means for spreading the deadly infection.

A real life Pandemic is no joke. And the results could be as devastating as the series reflects whether or not a Zombie appears is another story.

Advanced Bio-Treatment team of professionals are prepared to deal with immediate cleanup of contagious pathogens and viruses and prevent their spread. There are steps you could take as well.

One way to avoid the spread of germs and viruses is really using common sense. Avoid as much contact as possible with those who are sick. Even though you hate to miss school or work when you are sick with a fever, coughing, vomiting, etc. you are likely contagious.

Avoid spreading your germs to others by staying home when you are sick. And your mother’s heed to cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze is no joke. Airborne germs travel fast, and even your used tissues that you blow your nose in should be handled by only you and thrown away by you.

Although common sense dictates most of these simple ways to prevent the spread of germs and disease causing pathogens many choose to ignore the warnings and go on about their daily business spreading germs and infecting others.

Wash your hands often. Simple but often ignored, washing hands helps prevent the spread of germs. Wipe down sinks, toilets, desks, etc., often to keep the germs under control.

If there has been an outbreak of flu or other serious contagious illness in your daycare, school, business, Advanced Bio-Treatment can help you disinfect and sanitize the area to avoid further spread and stop the spread from going further.

We are equipped to fight and destroy bacterias, influenza, staph, and a variety of disease. Stopping the spread of these viruses and germs requires more than just a surface cleanup.

Advanced Bio-Treatment will research and work a plan for cleanup and sanitation tailored to your needs.

If you need infectious disease decontamination or even blood cleanup services, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Advanced Bio Treatment a call at 800-706-1420

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment