Double Death
The horrible picture above is only a glimpse of the scene we were called to in the Montgomery suburbs. No matter how many times we experience this it is still a shock to see.
There’s a sickening smell that accompanies a blood soaked room. Some say that fresh blood has a metallic smell not unlike copper or rusting iron. Others say it has no smell but I’m saying it does have a distinct odor, especially after it has been in a decomposition state.
Gunshot to the flesh can leave a smell of gunpowder, burnt flesh and that sickeningly sweet metallic smell of blood. You will likely vomit the first time you experience this.
What drives people to kill someone they love and then turn the gun on themselves? We can only speculate as we aren’t necessarily informed when the police detectives gather information.
Some of these murder suicides we find out were domestic situations involving affairs, one was a dispute over money. One involved heroin. And there has been speculation that some are involved in the occult. I’m guessing sometimes all of the above.
Advanced Bio Treatment Cleanup Technicians Are Trained to Deal with All Kinds of Situations
Sometimes we have to talk to family members who are in a state of shock as you can imagine how hard it would be to find your loved ones and family members in this condition.
Blood cleanup and removal should not be attempted by anyone not trained. We are certified and abide by OSHA regulations and policies. Blood and body fluids may be spreading harmful pathogens and bacteria that can be harmful to others.
We are not only cleaning up the contaminated clothing, any fluids, brain matter, etc., that is left behind that is visible. Beyond the naked eye are unseen contaminants that require intense cleanup methods. We place a high priority on restoration and complete cleanup of the contaminated areas. Often this involves days to complete a job and restore property back to its original state.
Our 24/7 Cleanup Service Areas Include:
Florida, Georgia, Washington DC, New York, Kentucky and other crime scene states
If you need scene cleanup and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-295-1684.