
Orlando, Florida is known for Disney World, among other awesome area attractions. Most folks associate fun times with Disneyland and that is ideally how it should be. However, like any other area in the country there are crimes, accidents, and tragic disasters that have to be handled with care.

While we hope you never need service for this kind of situation you can take comfort that there ABT’s trained professionals are here, ready and on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, across the eastern U.S.

Advanced Bio Treatment has a crew dispatched usually within three hours of the initial call, such was the case recently, not your typical day at the theme park in Orlando, We learned quickly as we pulled into a community of revered stately homes.

Before entering the house, in Orlando near Disney World, we were directed to a red Ferrari convertible with an open, bloody trunk. The maid (previously on vacation) discovered her bosses body wrapped in rope. The body had decomposed in the hot trunk for an entire week before she discovered him; ETD confirmed through autopsy.

While decontaminating a bloody carpet in a car is enough of a job for one day, that was not all. One of the crew started immediately on the cleanup of the Ferrari. The rest of the crew was directed to the inside of this immaculate mansion.

There were huge windows, gorgeous skylights and vaulted ceilings with sparkling chandeliers, but could not disguise the smell of decaying flesh. Sadly, three bodies were found in the master bedroom, the man’s wife and his two children.

If you are a previous reader and fan, you know we don’t sugar coat the details. The smell alone had already begun to permeate the walls and furniture which all have to be specially treated by our professionally trained technicians.

Whatever the reason for the gruesome murders, we don’t know. What we do know is the killer or killers were vicious. The woman had been bludgeoned in the back of her head and the children strangled to death. Why the crime was carried out this way is a mystery to all of us. The scene was dusted for fingerprints which, of course, left ink and fingerprint dust for us to remove as well.

For those who don’t know, the deterioration of human flesh happens in stages. When we arrive, a week later, the oozing body fluids, blood, maggots and flies were everywhere ready for a good cleanup.

As the unpleasant process of decontamination occurs many processes happen. The pressure of the gasses with the body increases, fluid is forced out of orifices in the body which ends up contaminating floors, furniture, walls and more.

Although decomposition is nature’s way of “recycling” the body’s elements, very high risks of exposure to pathogens are present. As our cells die, bacteria within the body starts the work of breaking them down. Enzymes in the pancreas cause the organ to digest itself. The body soon takes on a gruesome appearance and smell.

Decomposing tissue emits a green substance, as well as gasses such as methane and hydrogen sulfide. The lungs expel fluid through the mouth and nose. This is not something relatives, friends or family members should ever have to see or deal with, but unfortunately it happens. This is exactly why Advanced Bio Treatment exists and it is our mission to save the family and loved ones the hardship while restoring the scene to its original state.

ABT professionals wear proper protective gear, masks and clothing for the cleanup jobs. We take our work seriously and work as quickly and efficiently as possible to decontaminate.

The job has to be done no matter how unpleasant. Should you ever need our services, take comfort knowing we are empathetic and highly respect client confidentiality. You can make the most difficult call because once you do you allow us to assist with the unpleasant details and save yourself the hardship.

Whether you need blood clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our blood cleanup services immediately, give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at 800-295-1684.

If you come across a situation similar to this, PLEASE understand this isn’t a job to perform on your own or by anyone else, but a trained crime scene cleanup professional such as our wonderful techs at Advanced Bio Treatment.

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment