
The Word Says It Is “Appointed To Man Once To Die”

Each of us know that we will someday die, we do not know when, how or where that will be. The latest cleanup involved a man who died alone in his Calhoun, GA apartment and was not found for nearly two weeks. One of the saddest endings in life is to die alone and not be found or noticed for this long.

As a crime scene technician we see every kind of painful scene imaginable. We see murders, suicides, accidental deaths, just about anything imaginable. All of these are hard to deal with, an unattended death is particularly sad.

Apparently John D. suffered for quite awhile. His body had started the decomposition process, the body fluids and blood seeped out of his body. The smell was overwhelming in itself.

Cleanup jobs can be challenging. When there is horrific odor along with the blood and body fluids there is much more involved. We don’t mask the odors, we remove them.

Advanced Bio Treatment understands that any time a friend of loved one dies can be a difficult and emotional time. When the loved one was unattended at the time of death it only adds to the complication and trauma of the situation. It is important to know that you need a professional crime scene cleaning service to handle the environment.

Unattended Death Can Be A Hazardous Situation

Most often dead bodies contain blood, tissue, bodily fluids, urine, and feces all in a state of decomposition. A decomposed body can pose an extreme risk for untrained individuals as they can be exposed to infectious diseases. A single drop of decomposing bodily fluid can contain germs, bacteria, and active disease that will remain viable and dangerous for long periods of time. These dangers can seep into and be absorbed by cloth, carpet, wood, flooring, subflooring, in between walls, and ceilings carrying their pathogens with them. In addition to the risk an untrained person undertakes when dealing with an unattended death, OSHA and the EPA have strict regulations on the collection and disposal to these types of hazardous material.

Not only does Advanced Bio Treatment have professionally trained technicians with specialized equipment to handle the scene of an unattended death, but we also handle the entire disposal for you. If you are aware of someone in need of our services, you can contact us on their behalf. If we are able to provide scene cleanup services we will reward the referrer with up to $500 on completion of the job. This incentive is available to everyone from family members to church members to neighbors. If you need help don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684

ABT offers a referral fee of up to $500



Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment