
Startling Suicide Rate Among Veterans

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs released statistics in February 2013 which is based on reported suicides from their own database from 1999-2011 in 21 states.

Suicide among veterans happens about once every 65 minutes; About 22 suicides a day.

The recent celebration of Veterans Day reminds us how important our soldiers are and how fragile their lives may be.

Keep in mind this data is compiled from states that provided data, this doesn’t include unreported or data not provided.

What possible reason could this be we ask, in disbelief?

How can this be?

Combat stress is one reason speculated, also known as “shell shock” or battle fatigue,” this occurs as a result of adverse behaviors as a result of battles.

Common symptoms include a feeling of disconnectedness, inability to focus, exhaustion, uncertainty, hesitancy, and a decrease in responsiveness. Symptoms are similar to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder although maybe not as severe.

Military sexual assault is another reason, military victims of rape or sexual assault are 5-6 times as likely to attempt suicide as non-victims.

There also seems to be a higher incidence of suicide among Vietnam vets. This can only be an indicator of what the future suicide rate may be for veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Contributing factors to the over 50 veterans involved men giving up on life after their marriages dissolved or their children were grown and the wars were over.

Brian Kinsella, an Iraq veteran who started a nonprofit group called Stop Soldier Suicide, indicated that between October 2006 and June 2013 the agency has received over 890,000 calls.

There is Help Out There

After Deployment.org
Afterdeployment.org is a website addressing post-deployment challenges including psychological health, substance abuse, employment issues, reconnecting with family and friends, and spiritual guidance.

Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury
DcoE serves warriors and their families needing help with psychological health and traumatic brain injury issues, promoting resilience, recovery and reintegration. DcoE operates a toll-free Outreach Center (866-966-1020).

Military OneSource
Education, relocation, parenting, stress-you name it. Military OneSource was created to help with just about any need. Call 24/7, 800-342-9647.

Suicide is a very emotional and traumatizing event under any circumstances. The professionals at ABT hope you never need our assistance for this type of clean up.

If you ever are in need of crime scene or suicide cleanup services, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:


We offer a referral fee of up to $500.


Posted in Suicide Cleanup
Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment