Suicide: The 3rd Leading Cause Of Death For Young Adults
This leading cause of death is for ages 15-24 which is so unfortunate. Suicide is traumatic and a tragic loss at any age. When a teenager commits suicide the death affects everyone from their friends at high school, family and people they work with.
This young girl was only 17 when she decided to take her own life in the bathroom of her family home. Imagine the devastation her family must have felt when they found her.
There is a much greater risk of death by suicide when there are firearms in the home. One reason this is true is using a firearm to commit suicide is often successful. A firearm is a sure bet for successfully completing a suicide as other methods may fail. This simple fact can be extremely important in the prevention of teen suicide.
If you have a firearm in your home at all it should be kept locked away and unloaded with the bullets kept in a separate location.
Overdosing on pills is another method of suicide that has a high success rate. Keep a close watch on your prescription drugs. Don’t be oblivious to your teen getting into your medications. Often teens will take their parents pills and swap with other teens for other pills. You have an obligation to monitor your prescriptions.
Who is at risk? Are there tell tale signs that you can recognize in your teen to help them?
Is your child feeling isolated, exhibiting low self esteem, anxious, irritable, hopeless? Are they struggling with alcohol and drug abuse? Are they struggling with homosexual tendencies and not knowing how to deal with those feelings?
Does your family have a history of suicide, depression, mental illness or tendencies towards that?
Keep The Lines Of Communication Open
Even when you are upset and aggravated it is important that your child knows they can talk to you. If they do not want to talk to you, make an effort to find someone that they feel safe confiding in; communication is a crucial step in suicide prevention.
Is your family going through a stressful event such as relocation, divorce, loss of a parent, loss of a sibling, loss of a job, etc. These life changing events are high stress situations. It is important that you yourself be able to deal with the losses as well as make sure your child is able to cope with loss.
Coping with a suicide is a horrible trauma. Experiencing this is enough without having to even consider the cleanup. Imagine how hard that would be.
If you need crime scene cleanup guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-295-1684 or e-mail us at