
Celebration Disaster

The Cincinnati, Ohio couple were being honored with a party to celebrate their 50th anniversary.

The party was elegant with a sit down dinner, a live band, dancing and open bar. The party was considered a success, however, after the party an unfortunate event occurred that left everyone in a state of shock.

One of the guys who stayed to clean had been drinking pretty heavy all night and was having a great time apparently, however, he somehow lost his balance and hit his head on the bathroom sink and fell face down.

Because he was alone in the bathroom when he fell there wasn’t anyone around to help him. Apparently it was quite awhile before anyone noticed he wasn’t in the hall and started to look for him. By the time he was found he was dead.

Everyone there was in shock and disbelief as it had only been a short while before that he was laughing and dancing with the rest of the party.

Accidents such as this one do happen

Question is, could this have been prevented? It could have happened whether he was drinking or not but perhaps being drunk caused him to not be able to pick himself up after falling.

Blood cleanup must be done by professionally trained blood cleanup personnel in order to protect current and future inhabitants of a property as well as to ensure the safety of those cleaning blood scenes.

Blood cleanup involves the removal and cleaning or disposal of items that have been contaminated with body fluids, blood, or tissue matter, but does not stop there. Those trained in blood cleaning are adept at tracking down and remediating areas that have been contaminated – areas that the untrained eye would not see. When a firearm is used, there is often as much biohazardous material that you cannot see as there is that is visible. For the safety of a blood cleanup technician, and of future inhabitants, it is most important that this biohazardous material be decontaminated as well.

Advanced Bio Treatment is the blood cleanup company that protects you and your family by doing the job with well-trained courteous employees. Whether the incident has occurred at your home, rental property or place of business, or industrial facility, you can trust our certified scene cleanup teams to do a thorough job while abiding by OSHA regulations. If you are a family friend or relative, we can work with you as an agent so the family is saved the hardship. Or if you will not be there to shield your loved ones, we will gladly handle that for you as much as possible by handling the paperwork by fax if you prefer.

If you need blood clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our blood cleanup services immediately, give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684.

ABT offers a referral fee of up to $500

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment