
Accidents can happen at any time and can leave behind quite the mess. One thing that we can rely on is that first responders are there when medical emergencies happen.

First Responders hold an important role and have to deal with many traumatic events. In this particular job, we received a call from an Atlanta, GA EMT who had been on scene of an accidental shooting.

This accident was so unexpected and preventable, however a couple of kids at a local college were just hanging out and playing around with their new rifles when one of them accidently shot the other.

The shooter called for immediate assistance while his friend was losing blood. Lucky for him, medical assistance arrived promptly. The arrival of the EMT and the police doesn’t mean that they will be cleaning up the blood! That’s where Advanced Bio Treatment comes in to provide our professional services.

The EMT that arrived on scene was courageous and acted in the correct manner. He knew to call us at Advanced Bio Treatment.

We feel honored when our company is referred out for services. We are on a mission to spread the knowledge and awareness of our cleanup services. Attempting to clean up traumatic scenes, especially when human blood and fluids are involved can become dangerous health risks.

Advanced Bio Treatment also offers a special reward of up to $500 to First Responders who call a referral in. We want to make sure that you know we appreciate you and our company thrives because of our clients.

Please call us today for any questions you may have. We operate 24/7 every day of the year. We don’t sleep because we know that accidental deaths can happen at any given moment.

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment