
Tough economic times has taken its toll on struggling homeowners.

Per Wikipedia

“In 2010, the highest rates of foreclosure filings were in Las Vegas, Nevada; Fort Myers, Florida; Modesto, California; Scottsdale, Arizona; Miami, Florida; and Ontario, California. The geographic diversity of these cities is made up for by the fact they these are all relatively metropolitan areas. Big cities like Houston, Texas saw a 26% increase in 2010, 23% in Seattle, Washington and 21% in Atlanta, Georgia.”

Purchasing a home is a wise financial decision providing you are financially able and stay within your means. Many times that is not the case, excited couples overextend themselves buy a bigger home than they need with a whopping house payment. Although they may have decent paying jobs, perhaps one or both of them lose or change jobs, or have a medical crisis.

Month after painful month of trying to meet a staggering mortgage payment and juggle bills is stressful. The further behind on bills the couple becomes the creditors start to call and threaten repossession and foreclosure.

Often, the stress takes a toll on them and a divorce ensues which often is followed by a bankruptcy. All these heavy legal and financial decisions have to be dealt with while life goes on. Financial disaster and a roller coaster of hurdles follows with new questions and decisions to make.

Where will we live? What can we afford? What about my credit? Will there ever be enough?

The foreclosure is pending and the pressure is on and often a homeowner will simply LEAVE.

Running away isn’t the best solution but often that is exactly what happens. Some will not take their furniture, clothing and personal belongings and may leave the home with pet damage, stains, and filth.

Advanced Bio Treatment has trained staff to deal with the aftermath of foreclosure and abandoned homes.

We offer 24/7 cleanup services in Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Washington D.C., New York

Sanitizing the premises, hauling off trash and furniture, and making the abandoned property presentable is done quickly and professionally by our

If you need crime scene cleanup guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our cleanup services immediately don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Advanced Bio Treatment 800.706.1420

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment