
Remember, You Can’t Handle Crime Scene Cleanup on Your Own

That’s why it’s important to hire a professional scene cleaning company such as Advanced Bio-Treatment with the training and experience to work with First Responders. Whether the scene is at your home and personal property, a commercial business, or industrial site, we’ll strictly adhere to OSHA regulations and API Work-safe guidelines in our cleanup efforts and only deploy EPA registered hospital grade cleansers and disinfectants. You need professional scene clean-up technicians to be sure that your home is truly clean. Your safety is our business.

Some of the scenes we are called to deal with at ABT involve a massive amount of blood or other bodily fluids that no family member or homeowner should attempt to clean because of the dangers and health risks associated with the pathogens they contain.

Drug users who meet a untimely end can present their own challenges when it comes to making a house relivable again after a tragedy. Not only must one dispose of any left over paraphernalia like needles, but often these people can carry diseases like hepatitis or HIV that must be carefully handled by train professionals.

Recently we received a call from a client who needed our help after their tenant, later discovered to be an IV drug user with hepatitis, was found shot to death in the kitchen of their rental property.

The Drive Along the Beltway Took Us Into Bloodfield, D.C.

A bloody cleanup in Bloodfield, D.C. Ironic? I think so! The neighborhood was clearly working class judging by the smaller homes and older model vehicles which sat parked in their driveways. As we pulled up to the address, yellow police tape still decorated the outside of the home like some sort of morbid tinsel put up for the holidays.

The homeowner stood just in front of the open screen door which led inside and after introductions we began to gear up. Inside the scene was a bloodbath. In between the kitchen and the dining room a large puddle of dried blood with bloody handprints on the appliances and walls have evidence to a terrible tragedy. According to the caller, John Doe had gotten mixed up in some sort of drug deal gone wrong.

So many lives we see cut short like this and it’s still tragic every time. The cleanup was a routine job: we cleaned, then sanitized before finishing the job at the molecular level with our ozone machine. By the time we were through, the property had been completely restored and there was no indication that anything untoward had occurred.

At ABT we know that times like these can be stressful and overwhelming but you are not alone, there are professionals like ABT that are there to help set things back to order. We are EPA and OSHA certified and will not only work with your insurance company but will also exceed their standards and more importantly, yours. We not only restore properties, but we also restore your life.

Scenes like this can be difficult to see. We see a lot of the darker side of the human experience and so often it is the most vulnerable among us that fall victim. Hopefully John D. is at peace was all I could think of as we left… What more can you wish for after these calls?

ABT had a new office that handles the Beltway region and beyond. If you need scene clean-up and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment