
Shocking and senseless murder

In recent news, four children were unfortunately murdered by their mother in Washington DC.

Benita Jacks was convicted of murdering her four daughters ranging from age 5-17.

Jacks was also found guilty of child cruelty and first degree murder of the three youngest girls.

The girls were found in January of 2008 when an eviction notice was being served. They apparently were killed in the summer of 2007 and had been left in the home decomposing. Neighbors had noticed a foul smell coming from the residence and had also noticed no noise from the girls playing but had not suspected anything else.

Jacks, opened the door for the officers serving the eviction but refused to let them inside. They forced their way into the home and immediately were overcome with a smell like rotting meat, and found the bodies in the upstairs bedrooms. Three of the girls bodies were found clad in white t-shirts, lined up according to their ages, lying in pools of blood. The three younger girls had been strangled. The oldest daughter, Brittany, had been stabbed multiple times.

What Really Happened

Jacks claimed the girls died in their sleep after she made attempts to revive them. The bodies were decomposed so badly that the cause of death could not be 100% determined although it was apparent that the strangulations and stabbings had been committed.

Jacks had been living in the home with the dead bodies for quite sometime and gave the appearance that she had moved out of the home. Mail was piled up outside, furniture had been moved outside of the house to the backyard. Jacks stated that demons had taken over the girls and even had permeated the furniture so she had to get everything out of the house.

Jack’s boyfriend had died from cancer earlier in the year. She had told neighbors their food stamps had run out and she didn’t want to reapply due to all of the paperwork required.

Social workers had been assigned to make monthly visits to the home and failed to do so. They have since been terminated for not doing their job.

ABT offers a referral for crime scene or other cleanup jobs up to $500.

Bloody crime scenes containing body fluids and decomposing bodies are horrific sites and potentially dangerous. Homicide cleanup of such scenes should be handled by professionals who are trained and certified.

Our 24/7 Crime Scene Cleanup Service Areas Include:
Florida, Georgia, Washington DC, New York , Kentucky and other crime scene states

If you need scene cleanup and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at: 800-706-1420.


Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment