
The Perils of Homeowner’s Insurance

Most of us who own a home (or rent) know we need to have homeowner’s insurance just if we have a fire or damage from a storm. Most of us never think about homeowner’s insurance covering a grisly suicide or murder scene. God forbid, it’s more than our minds really want to ever have to comprehend or think about but facts are facts, and not facing them doesn’t make them go away.

Insurance policies are pretty much standard across the board according to insurance experts, however, don’t assume anything. If you have not read your policy it is time to get it out and read it.

Advanced Bio-Treatment is a professional crime scene cleanup and biohazard decontamination company that is owned and operated by a former police officer and insurance agency owner. We are no stranger to crime, blood, gore, and hazards. We are also no stranger to terms and conditions, provisions and policies, restrictions and laws, licenses and regulations.

We Write About The Crime Scene Cleanup Business and Share Stories

We also write about hazardous situations across the country for a reason. This is REAL STUFF. We don’t make it up. It’s not something we do for fun. Yes, this is a job, a profession, a career, one that at times is horrific and sickening to do and is not for everyone. Yet, this is a necessary service we provide at a fair and reasonable rate.

Sadly, some have given our type of business a bad name by taking advantage of clients’ emotional state in their time of need. As in any business where there is more than one option available to choose from there are, unfortunately, some who don’t have your best interest at heart.


The purpose of this article is to NOT take advantage of who you are, not in this horrible position, and forewarn you to prepare for the unexpected and perhaps unlikely events that could happen. As often occurs when you have had a lengthy hospital stay and no matter how sick you were the hospital doesn’t forget to send a bill for their charges yes even to the extent of adding charges for items you question. For example, a box of tissues could be listed as a “mucous recovery system” (no joke) and charged $8 when in reality this is something that costs only about $2.

In reality, in 101 class we weren’t told about all the potential rip-offs that exist and just how far-reaching the clever twists, turns, and lies can go to take money unrightfully all under the guise of “helping” us through difficult times.

We are not a free service and we do not claim to be. We are a fair provider of quality service with trained professionals who are sensitive and empathetic, efficient, and work quickly to remediate scenes back to normal.

An informed client is a client who makes a better decision.

Our 24/7 Cleanup Service Areas Include:
Florida, Georgia, Washington DC, New York, Kentucky, and other crime scene states

If you need scene cleanup and decontamination guidance, have questions about your payment options, which clean up and decon procedures your current insurance policy covers, or require our scene cleanup services immediately, don’t hesitate to contact us or give us a call at 800-860-4268.

We offer a referral fee of up to $500.


Posted in Recent News
Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment