Every Picture Tells A Story
I thought long and hard about what I learned in training from ABT. This job isn’t for everyone. This job is going to have good days when its easy and bad days when you won’t like it.
Wow, how true that has proven to be. I would have to say ninety five percent of the time I can go in and do my work and leave. There are other times when I have to really reflect and meditate to deal with it.
We’re only human but the job requires us to deal with situations daily that most people never encounter in their lives.
I had some experience as an EMT, handling hazardous materials, and even went to fire school at one time. I have dabbled in this field as my wife and I moved several times when she was in the Air Force. We considered a lot of options and finally landed on this opportunity. Jerry Turner is great to work for and with. I say that because he isn’t above getting involved in a cleanup.
You may or may not know this but he has a diverse background before starting ABT. He is very familiar with the first responders, having been a law enforcement officer himself. He is also experienced with the legalities and the red tape of the insurance industry and more! You can learn more about this on our Advanced Bio Treatment website.
Advanced Bio Treatment Is The Leader Crime And Hazardous Scene Cleanup Business
Why, you ask? Because we hand pick team members for their attention to the smallest details, their empathy, and their deep-seated belief in helping others in need. We train constantly so our teams are always up to date on the latest cleanup techniques and technology. We adhere to the highest standards set by government, industry, ourselves, and most importantly our clients.
We have a little phrase we use “we hope you never need our services” because if you are experiencing a suicide, a double homicide, murder or a robbery, the situations are not easy to deal with and we understand that. We know you are in pain and suffering beyond belief in these horrendous situations.
Remember, we are here to help.
Our 24/7 team of professionals are on call, ready to go where needed. This type of work means personal time can be interrupted. Being on call can be difficult as is any profession where emergencies are handled. Keep that in mind as you never know in this life.
If you need blood clean-up guidance, have questions about your payment options, which crime scene clean up procedures your current insurance policy covers or require our blood cleanup services immediately, give Advanced Bio Treatment a call at:800-295-1684.