
The Calls Keep Coming For Cleanup Work!

I’m not a detective but it really didn’t take long to figure out what had happened here. We may never know why it happened but its pretty clear there was multiple stabbings and a lot of drugs involved.

We came across a lot of empty pill bottles, plastic bags, pipes and just a nasty mess everywhere in this nasty run down apartment. Honestly, if it was up to me the place would be demolished. For some reason, the landlord called us in to cleanup and restore the place. We don’t question, we just do the job.

Blood was everywhere; the floors, the walls and the furniture. Police took what they determined to be the weapons, knives, scissors. Someone was on a rampage for sure.

There’s a lot of research going on about the relation of drugs and violence and its not all the common street drugs. Some of the studies are saying the psychiatric drugs, antidepressants and others are causing a lot of problems. Who knows what all these people were into.

Legal drugs can be dangerous too and no telling how many lives have been disrupted or lost due to them. That’s not counting all the illegal drugs that people are cooking up. I heard about a dude who injected his baby with crystal meth because he wanted to “purify” her. If that’s not insanity what is? Who knows what kind of ideas people come up with and where they are and what they are capable of.

We’re Busy And On The Go 24/7

With all the training I have had I can never really say that it prepares me for some of the things we find. This job is not a job for anyone who has a weak stomach or faint at heart. Anyway, if there is one thing I know, it just doesn’t stop.

We get a lot of questions and comments about our work. This is the one reason we started telling more about what we do.We sometimes get criticized about showing the pictures. I guess hiding your head in the sand would be better.

We do a nasty job. Blood cleanup, body fluids, tissue, its a constant challenge. It is important that no one attempt to clean up a crime scene that has not been professionally trained. Not only can the event be traumatic for friends and family but it can also be dangerous as well. Crime Scenes can be littered with biohazards such as HIV/AIDS, MRSA, dangerous chemicals, or other hidden bio hazards.

Advanced Bio Treatment has unique chemicals and equipment that can deal with any crime scene or biohazard a situation might present. Our crime scene cleanup technicians are trained to handle all blood, body tissues, and bodily fluids and we can also deodorize any area if necessary. We are also thoroughly versed in all state and federal guidelines including OSHA regulations and API work safe guidelines. ABT professionals have a nasty, but necessary job to do. If you need assistance with a nasty cleanup job, give ABT a call at 800-295-1684.

ABT offers a referral of up to $500

Ted Pelot Owner & President of Crime Scene Cleanup Company - Advanced Bio-Treatment