After an incidence and law enforcement officers have done their work, the crime scene left behind will need professional to get it back to safe condition. The scene can be a home or a business premise, and most people don’t know where to turn for help. The knowledgeable cleanup team at Advanced Bio-Treatment in Orlando has the capacity in terms of skills, products, and equipment to clean the scene for the safety of the occupants.
The health of your family is of utmost importance. Therefore, if there was trauma involved, it will take more effort than just removing the visible material on the scene. There might be unseen infections that may pose health dangers to you and your family. For maximum protection, it is prudent to ensure that the place is thoroughly cleaned.
Our Orlando crime scene cleanup services.
Our professional crime scene cleaners arrive prepared to thoroughly deodorize, decontaminate, and sanitize all affected items and areas. We take care of all forensic cleaning, removing fingerprint dust, tear gas, or any other contaminants that may be left behind at a crime scene in Orlando. We provide a full range of crime scene cleanup services in Florida to meet our clients’ needs, including:
Biohazard Cleanup
It is common knowledge that infectious diseases can easily spread by being in contact or proximity to an infected person. What most people don’t know is that the diseases can still be present in the body fluids left behind at the crime scene. In most instances, the perpetrators are either injured or killed, and body fluid may splash everywhere in the scene.
The body fluids may contain pathogens that can cause serious health implications such as Hepatitis B. It is important to note that the Hep B (HBV) virus can still survive outside the body. You or your family can contract the disease if you come into contact with the virus even if it has been exposed for weeks.
Trained personnel with the expertise to handle biohazards can help to thoroughly eliminate the risks for you and your family in case a crime has been committed in your home or business premise. Apart from Hepatitis B, other infections such as HIV, Hepatitis C, and MRSA can pose health dangers. You can avoid these infections by involving certified professionals to handle the cleaning and disposal of elements present. The Advanced Bio-Treatment personnel comply with all the federal and state regulations regarding biohazard cleaning to ensure maximum decontamination and sanitization in your home or place of business.
Blood Cleanup
If there was blood on the crime scene, the blood cleanup process may take a few hours or even extend to days. After the law enforcement has left, you should call in professional cleaners to assess the extent of the cleaning process and long it will take to bring the scene back to safety. The longer you take, the more the blood and other bodily fluids will and the more it will take time to remove them. Also, the contaminants may spread to other areas beyond the crime scene. Airborne and bloodborne pathogens tend to attach to others surfaces such as walls, furniture, and other elements.
Unattended Death Cleanup
In some instances, death can go unnoticed for several days or even weeks. For example, a crime can be committed when you are on vacation or when the business premise is closed for the weekend. Due to decomposition, the health risks can increase significantly. An unattended death is a death that has not been identified for several days, or longer. First responders, law enforcement, and the biohazard team are experienced to handle such crime scenes due to the increased risk of contamination. If the crime scene remains untreated for long, the decomposing materials increase the risks to anyone who comes near the scene. Apart from the health hazards involved, an unattended death can cause significant odors and stains. Therefore, it is advisable to engage a qualified team with proper product and equipment to ensure proper deodorization and disinfection.
Death Scene Cleanup
Although not all crimes scenes involve death, if it occurs, the range of biohazards present can be extensive. Our team is qualified to handle such scenes. We offer services such as removing the odors, removing contamination that can be seen and also cannot be seen with the eye, and make the space safe for occupants. Also, we disinfect the surfaces such as the floors, walls, furniture, etc. Additionally, if there are other structural elements affected, we will follow both the state and federal regulations regarding disposal.
If a crime happens in a business premise, it can significantly impede operation. The interventions should be immediate to mitigate the risks to employees, visitors, and customers to resume activities. Our team is available any time of day for death scene cleanup services to help minimize the interruption of services in your business.
The Crime Scene Cleanup Process
After the detectives have finished their investigations, the scene can pose a danger to you and your family. The threats may extend beyond to the nearby areas, and therefore it is essential to ensure even adjacent areas are also inspected and decontaminated. Below are some of the most important steps to take to make sure the area is safe for occupation.
i. Assess- the scene should be assessed in details for potential biohazards, toxins, and other contaminants. However, the assessment will depend on the nature of the crime and how the detectives handled the place.
ii. Protect- Regardless of the crime involved, anyone accessing the scene should have proper protective gear. That is why it is important to involve professionals
iii. Remove- everything that may cause danger or contamination must be removed. This can include bodily fluids, debris, etc.
iv. Dispose of- After cleaning the scene, the waste must be disposed of correctly according to federal regulations and EPA guidelines.
Our Advanced Bio-Treatment personnel have gone through extensive training and are well conversant with all the aspects involved in cleaning a crime scene. Apart from the technicalities involved in cleaning, our team understands what you are going through and will provide any other required assistance throughout every stage of the process. Our professionals have the expertise to handle the present threats and also the sensitivity to help you deal with the traumas involved.
We Clean Beyond What’s Visible
Cleaning a crime scene entails more than just removing the visible stains. It goes deeper to remove the contaminants that may expose you and your family to diseases even eliminating the visible stains. Instead of handling the cleaning yourself, it is advisable to involve a professional cleaner, who is more experienced and contain the right products and equipment to go beyond the noticeable stains. The odor and stains only represent a small fraction of the danger that might persist. Cleaning services will be able to remove airborne and biohazards that may linger and continue posing a threat for weeks or even months.
Ensuring the Safety of Your Family
Although there might be a lot of hazards that might compromise the health of your family, there is also the issue of emotional stress due to the crime happening in your home or business premise. Even if there were no injuries involved, the mere fact that a crime took place could be emotionally distressing. The situation becomes worse is there are fatalities or even death involved.
It is recommended not to take the cleaning task yourself because it might increase the emotional trauma you are already experiencing. In fact, if death occurred or an act of violence transpired, the stress and pain may elevate. Involving a professional will relieve you and your family the stress.
Our Professional Crime Scene Cleanup Techniques
Our fully trained personnel are not only qualified to handle the removal of biohazards, but they also understand the methods used by law enforcers during and after the event of a crime. For instance, sometimes techniques such as teargas can be employed to overpower the perpetrators. The tear gas canisters can leave a lot of toxic materials. Also, fingerprint dust and other materials left by law enforcers can pose considerable health risks to you and your family. It is therefore recommended to ensure all the elements are removed for safety. Our team is qualified to assess the scene, remove all the hazards and discard them properly to guarantee maximum safety.
On the other hand, our team collaborates with law enforcement and relevant agencies to ensure the crime is handled in the right manner. Most homeowners and business owners are hesitant to start the cleaning process immediately. However, our team consults with the relevant bodies to be given an official go-ahead to begin the cleaning process. Starting the cleanup processes without the formal approval can interfere with the evidence and hamper investigations.
“I can’t thank you enough. You and your local staff have made this most difficult time much easier than I could have ever expected. You are to be commended for your thoroughness, professionalism and timely response.”
Reach our live operators 24/7/365.
Advanced Bio-Treatment (ABT) has been in existence for over a decade operating in over sixteen states. The founder Jerry Turner is a former police officer and insurance agent with immense experience in crime scenes and trauma survivors. Our primary scope of work is to respond to situations where there is a presence of biohazards and other elements that may require specific training and experience.
At ABT, we have highly trained and specialized teams of technicians to provide efficient crime scene cleanup services across the country. Apart from the cleaning services, our personnel are also trained in how to handle trauma survivors and crime victims. We guarantee to provide our services with the highest degree of professionalism and discretion. Tragedies are unforeseen and may happen at any time. Our experts and technicians are available on a 24-hour basis including during holidays.
When your Orlando home or business is the scene of a crime, your needs can’t wait. That’s why you never have to leave a message when you call us—you’ll always speak to a live operator. From your first call, we’ll be there to assist you throughout the process, and we’ll answer any questions you may have about insurance. Call us now at 800-295-1684.